Former Prototype given new lease of life at VLRNIC

(Pictured above: members of Pre Metro and Lightweight Community Transport Limited)

Pre Metro is working with the Lightweight Community Transport Limited (LCTL) to retrofit the Car 12 railcar.

Car 12 first made an appearance on British Railways in 2005, when it was used for an experimental service on Sundays to prove the viability of a low-cost light rail service on the Stourbridge Branch Line.

That experimental service would eventually become today’s Stourbridge Shuttle.

The prototype vehicle was transferred to the Severn Valley Railway, where it unfortunately suffered vandalism and graffiti attacks, leaving it in a state of disrepair.

With the growing focus on sustainable and innovative transport solutions, the potential of Car 12 has once again come into the spotlight

The vehicle has now been retrieved from Severn Valley Railway and cleaned up at Dudley’s Very Light Rail National Innovation Centre (VLRNIC).

The restoration marks the beginning of a new phase in its lifecycle, as the vehicle is set to play a crucial role in testing and developing cutting-edge light rail technologies.

Pre Metro has signed an agreement with Black Country Innovative Manufacturing Organisation (BCIMO) for a workspace to store and test the vehicle.

On the 30th of July,  Pre Metro and LCTL teams met at the centre to plan the potential work, including the different potential fuel sources and the replacement of the original flywheel with battery technology.

Speaking afterwards, Pre Metro’s Managing Director Phil Evans, said:

“We are looking forward to using Car 12 – a vehicle that has already proven its value in the past – as a testbed for lightweight technology to assist in extending the lifecycle of the Stourbridge Shuttle vehicle.”

“We remain fully committed to low-cost, environmentally friendly vehicles.”

With this new lease on life, it’s hoped that the two-decade-old innovation can continue to trailblaze as a testbed for new technology with industry experts driving the project forward.

Published on: 22nd August, 2024

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